Šis kvests Rīgā ir aizraujoša un interaktīva pieredze, kas ved cauri vēsturiskām vietām un simboliem, piedāvājot iepazīties ar pilsētas bagāto vēsturi, kultūru un leģendām.
Sights, you will see:
Rīgas Doms
Svētā Pētera baznīca
Trīs brāļi
Pulvera tornis
Zviedrijas vārti
What clients say
slide 4 to 5 of 4
2024. gada 15. jūlijs
Some puzzles was too hard, at least for us
Translation: Some puzzles were too hard, at least for us
2024. gada 3. septembris
Mashallah it was great!
Translation: Mashallah it was great!
2024. gada 28. decembris
Bei der letzten Frage war der Hinweis sehr irreführend.
Translation: The hint for the last question was very misleading.
2024. gada 3. marts
The coordinates for the mayor statue in front of the opera are wrong ;) but else great game!
Translation: The coordinates for the mayor statue in front of the opera are wrong ;) but else great game!
2024. gada 15. jūlijs
Some puzzles was too hard, at least for us
Translation: Some puzzles were too hard, at least for us
2024. gada 3. septembris
Mashallah it was great!
Translation: Mashallah it was great!
2024. gada 28. decembris
Bei der letzten Frage war der Hinweis sehr irreführend.
Translation: The hint for the last question was very misleading.
2024. gada 3. marts
The coordinates for the mayor statue in front of the opera are wrong ;) but else great game!
Translation: The coordinates for the mayor statue in front of the opera are wrong ;) but else great game!
2024. gada 15. jūlijs
Some puzzles was too hard, at least for us
Translation: Some puzzles were too hard, at least for us